Snow Goose Hunting Reports

Feb 26 – Guides Hunt

Yesterday, we pulled all but one spread because the guides wanted to hunt. Above is Up North guides Jaylen, Matt, Tres, Curt, and Billy with the 62 (61 in the picture; they shot one more while pulling the spread). Very nice day. On the last flock of the day, they shot band number #2 for … [Read More]

Feb 25 – Last Day With Hunters

Today was our last day in Arkansas, guiding hunters for 2024. We had 2 fields that quit very early. They shot 2 and 1. The rest of the field hunted until around noon, ranging from 8-24.   We pulled all of the decoy spreads but one. The guides will hunt in the morning for fun, … [Read More]

Feb 24 – Mostly Good Day

A solid hunting day for the most part. Our best field was 49 geese, and the slowest was 3. All in all a pretty solid day. This time of the year, the geese fly in the morning and the last hour of the day. In my field, we shot 27, picking up 6 mid-day, but … [Read More]

Feb 22 & 23

I forgot to do a post yesterday. Yesterday, our best field shot 35 snows, and our low field shot 8.  Today, our best field was 26, and the low field was 10. Both days are pretty average snow goose hunting. Tomorrow is my last day guiding, it’s hard to believe it has went bythis fast.

Feb 21 – They Pushed This Morning

This morning, most of my fields saw a big push. They all saw plenty of geese, and it sounds like we got a few back on the ground in the area. At this point in the season, the numbers go up and down as birds migrate in and leave. The high field was 53 snow … [Read More]

Feb 20 – Fairly Slow

You would think with all of the birds that went south over the weekend that, with 2 days of south winds, we would have seen more of a migration. Maybe day 3 with a heavier wind will be the ticket. There are 5 days of our season left, and 3 of the 5 (as of … [Read More]

Feb 19 – Geese South

There was a south wind today, but we didn’t see a push of geese. Our area has the lowest number of birds we have seen all season. The cold front over the weekend pushed them south. It is supposed to warm up and have a south wind. I hope that will get some birds moving. … [Read More]

Feb 18 – Half Day Hunt

Today was that last hunt for our weekend guys. It was fairly slow compared to the rest of the year. The cold front we got on Friday pushed most of the birds out of the area. I’m pretty sure they didn’t go north since most of the flocks we have watched the last two days … [Read More]

Feb 16 – Push South

It was a very different day today. The cold north wind howled early, then died to a decent wind mid-morning. My field had migrators push south all morning and part of the evening. It ranked as number 1 or 2 as the best migration day (for the number of birds seen) for me this year. … [Read More]

Feb 16 – Wild Weather Swings

Today was supposed to rain all day. It sprinkled a bit, but there was a big temp swing. We roasted, stripping to t-shirts until about 3 pm when a big wall cloud came, the temps took a huge drop, and the wind blew 40 mph. Everybody quickly put the clothes back on. We had a … [Read More]

Feb 15

Today was a solid day for a half day of hunting. It was very warm. Our best group shot 45 snow geese, and the worst shot 7. The last two days were south wind and warm, but there was very little migration going on. Yes, we see a few, but we have not seen the … [Read More]

Feb 14 – Everyday Is Different

It was a good day in the fields for us today. Nothing crazy, but a very solid hunting day. Our best field was 41 snow geese, and our slowest hunt was 17. That would be a great day for most years, but the hunting has been very good this year, so our expectations are higher, … [Read More]

Feb 13 – Half Way Home

Today marks the halfway point of our spring season. It was our slowest day of the year by far. The bright spot was when we shot our first band of the year on a juvy blue. The highest field shot 15 snow geese, and our low field shot 4. Lots of geese, but it appears … [Read More]

Feb 11 – Half Day Hunt

Sunday’s half-day hunt was decent. About half the fields did well, and about half were in single digits. If they had hunted full days, most would have been in the teens. Our best field shot 80 birds, and the slowest shot 3. Both fields are migrator fields, meaning there are generally no birds on the … [Read More]

Feb 10 – Pushing North and South???

The last time we had a big shoot I could have picked that field but didn’t. Today, I picked the right one. The high field was 121, and the low field was 4. Where I hunted, there were birds flying north and south all day. I really think that both of them were migrating. The … [Read More]

Feb 9 – Lots Going On

Ever have one of those days? There was a lot that went on today. Some of it forced errors, some unforced, but in the end, it is all good now. To the hunting, it was another solid day. The best field shot 54 birds, and the worst field shot 11. We are still seeing plenty …

Feb 8 – Barn Burner

Most hunters had a half-day hunt today, but it was a burner nevertheless. There are so many juvy’s in these flocks, and they are decoying well. The low field for the day was 14. That group hunted until 8ish, then left for home. Our best field was 157. It was a very good day. Some … [Read More]

Feb 7 – Nice Day

Very nice day. It would have been crazy good with a little wind this morning. High field shot 71, and our lowest shot was 19. Pictured is the low field (mine). The guide with the high field was sleeping, and I didn’t want to wake him for a picture. New birds moved in. Some of … [Read More]

Feb 6 – Small Migration

Today was a slower morning compared to others lately. This afternoon we started seeing some new birds migrate. Our best field shot 27 geese and our worst shot 11. Solid snow goose hunting no doubt. There wasn’t a lot of wind and you can tell these birds have been banged up some. New birds are welcome … [Read More]